El ICAC pasará a formar parte del órgano asesor contable de la Comisión Europea

El Instituto de Contabilidad y Auditoría de Cuentas (ICAC), presidido por Enrique Rubio, ha sido nombrado nuevo miembro de los órganos de gobierno del European Financial Reporting Advisory Group (EFRAG), en la Asamblea General celebrada el pasado 23 de octubre en Bruselas. La persona designada como representante del ICAC en el Consejo para este mandato…

Preparing Tomorrow’s Auditors For The Future Of Tech – Driven Accounting

The proliferation of an ever-more digital world, with technology reinventing historic business practices every day, has forced entire industries and professions around the world to shift their thinking and business models. Not surprisingly, the workforces supporting them have had to shift their focus as well-professional accountants, including auditors, are no exception. Traditional bookkeeping and manual…